
Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Life as a new mommy

Life over here in new mommyland is wonderful!  I love being a mommy!  It is everything I ever dreamed of and more...much, much more!  It is beautiful and sweet and tiring and hard and rewarding and priceless.  An hour can pass and all I have accomplished is staring at my daughter's face.  An eight hour day in the office never passed as quickly as a day at home with a newborn! 

Here's just a snapshot of what today has looked like for Harper and me:

3:00am     Change diaper, feed baby girl
4:15am     Put baby girl back down to sleep, crawl back into bed with one eye open
4:25am     Get up and put paci back in Harper's mouth (this continues for the next 15 minutes)
7:22am     Change diaper, feed baby girl
8:17am     Change diaper and playtime
8:37am     Put Harper in her swing and start a pot of coffee
9:17am     Pull out computer and attempt to check email
9:35am     Pour first cup of coffee and swallow breakfast whole
9:42am    Put paci back in Harper's mouth  (again this continues for a little while until she drifts off to sleep)
10:17am  Wash bottles
10:25am  Get baby girl of swing, dance with her while she falls back asleep and put her in bouncy seat
10:32am   Remember cup of coffee and reheat it in microwave
10:40am   Prepare a bottle
10:57am   Email, pay two bills online, pull laundry from dryer, start another load, brush teeth, make up bed
11:18am  Pull out something to prepare for dinner
11:27am  Feed baby girl
12:16pm  Bathe baby girl
12:41pm  Put baby girl down for a nap
12:54pm  Fix lunch
12:57pm   Pour coffee down the drain
1:17pm    Nap time over; playtime on the floor; attempt tummy time; Harper has a temper tantrum
1:46pm    Change diaper
1:51pm    Feed baby girl
2:28pm   Nap time in bouncy seat
2:38pm   Mommy eats lunch and finishes blog

Now, it's time to get cracking on some more chores and take advantage of the afternoon nap...I suppose my shower can wait until Daddy gets home.

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