
Saturday, June 18, 2011

The Greatest Man I know...

I know this guy who is compassionate, generous, intelligent, loving, encouraging, gentle, strong...basically, he is the greatest guy I have ever known.  And fortunately for me, I get to call him Diddy. 
Growing up, he was my biggest supporter, but he also made sure that I grew up with a strong set of values.  He is a God-loving man, who raised his family in the church.  He ensured that my sister and I had a Christian upbringing.  He was hard-working and fun-loving.  He made sure that his family never lacked for anything that we needed....(READ: we did not always get what we wanted, but he made darn sure that we never lacked for the important things in life).  He encouraged us and challenged us and made us the women we are today. 

My Diddy is a fighter.  He has faced numerous health issues, but he has faced them head-on with a song in his heart.  His life has been less than easy...but yet, he always seems to make it look a lot less challenging.  He loves his Savior and he loves his family.  Everything else is just stuff...stuff that does not change the fact that he knows his Lord and he has his family by his side.   Two lessons that I am learning more and more as I grow up.  At 32 years old, I still learn something new from my Diddy every day.  He never ceases to amaze me. 

Diddy never meets a stranger and always seeks to lend a helping hand.  He is shaping a legacy that will live on forever in the hearts of all who know him.  When people say, "You're Jimmy Griggs' daughter...he's a great man!" heart smiles...and no doubt my eyes fill with tears...because he is a great man  and I am blessed to call him my Diddy.  The best thing that I can do to honor my Diddy is to live my life the same way he has lived his...then, I too will live a life that glorifies my Lord.

Happy Father's Day, Diddy!  I love you from the bottom of my other man will be able to replace the space in my heart that you have occupied since the day I was born.  Thank you for being the best Diddy a girl could hope for...

One of the sweetest moments in my life

Father's Day 2010

My Diddy meets my daughter

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