
Monday, July 13, 2015

the time i gave into fear...

i almost tip-toed into the meeting over two years ago.
heart pounding.
hands shaking.

i knew it was exactly where He had called me.

and then, lies and life got in the way.
the enemy can whisper lies so loud and so long.
leaving you deaf to truth.
when we are deaf to truth, we forget His simple command.

have I not commanded you? be strong and courageous. do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.
joshua 1:9

lies and fear kept me from walking in obedience.

and then last year, i almost did the same.
i fought hard not to be in the parking lot this time last year.

in the end, i heeded His call.
but, because don't we all think we are in control?
i said, 'i'll obey, but don't for one second think i'm going next year.'

i can be so ridiculous sometimes.
He chuckles.
i just know it.

for i had prayed for laborers to be risen up.
people to join these brothers and sisters.
followers bold to share the life-changing, life-giving good news.

the harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few. therefore pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest.
luke 10:2

i just never thought i would be the laborer.

on a hot september day, it felt as if i was being pulled by something.
i know now it was someOne gently guiding me into His will.

and i heard the voice of the Lord saying, “whom shall I send, and who will go for us?” then i said, “here am i! send me.”
isaiah 6:8

and i could no longer deny the call to go.
to see.
to hear.
to tell.
to share.
to love.
to serve.

therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. and remember, I am with you always, to the end of the age.
matthew 28:19-20

i am nothing but an perfectly flawed mess of a broken girl.
with nothing to give.
but this is not of me.
for He shines through the brokenness and makes sense of the mess.

“God uses men who are weak and feeble enough to lean on him.” 
Hudson Taylor

we will never alone be enough to serve.
it is Him alone who equips the called.
and make no mistake.
we are all called.
it may be to another country.
or down the hall at work.
or across the street at home.
or to the front door of a local charity.
or to adopt. locally and internationally.

never let lies and fear rob you of the blessing of serving Him.
the sweetest, most precious moments of my life have been spent in relationship with Him.
i dare you to dive head first into this crazy love with the Creator of everything and Savior of everyone.
it is a love like none other.

and when you experience the relentless, redeeming, restoring great love of the One who created you, you can't help but share that love with others.

the King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.
matthew 25:40

i know beyond any doubt that it is the prayers of many that have walked this journey with me and will sustain our team during the days ahead.
for those who have financially supported me, somehow thank you does not seem enough.
but my heart overflows with gratitude.
i have asked that God break my heart over the next ten days.
because i know my safe little world is getting ready to be rocked to its core.
but in order to have a heart for His people, i must first embrace them in His abounding love.

i have one humble request.

please join me in prayer for our team of 43 over the next eleven days.
we are brave men and women of all ages.
a team that walks worthy of the Gospel.
they are encouragers.
and healers.
and peace-makers.
and love-embracers.
and long-sufferers.
and joy-filled smile givers.

each one of them make me want to be the best me i could possibly be.
and without them all, i would not be who i am in this moment.
to God be the glory.

te amo, amigos.
te amo.

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