Sunday, December 23, 2012

{gifts of the season} my weary soul rejoices...

One friend stands guard over her mother's bedside at a hospital in Charleston.

Another friend sits in the intensive care unit watching over her father.

Yet another friend watches his dad battle the pain of cancer after a long, hard fight back to health.

The hearts of many around the nation grieve over the loss of twenty-six beautiful lives.

The hands of many are clasped in anticipation of the future of our economy.

The wallets of many are empty and hollowed.

Somewhere there is a father who has just lost his job. 

Somewhere there is a mama wondering if her children will have anything to open Christmas morning.

There is sickness and heart ache.  Death and mourning.  Worry and doubt.  Sadness and fear. 

It's no wonder we lose focus of the true meaning of Christmas.  The Enemy has done his best to stray us off course.  To keep us from gazing at the Star in the sky.  The Light that will lead us to Truth.  To peace and goodwill. 

Despite the Enemy's best efforts {and some of them were real doozies and I had to check my attitude once or twice}, I have purposed my eyes and heart on Jesus this Christmas.  Unlike years past, I have spent every day leading up today remembering the sacrifice and love of God.  For me.  And you. 

It was not a silent night.  There were heavy hearts and groans of pain.   But a baby was born.  Our King. 

Shepherds and wise men came to worship Him.  In a messy place.  They knelt beside Him and praised God.  Both in Heaven and on Earth. 

In the mess of where we are right now, we can still kneel before Him and worship His holy name.  We can still praise God for sending His Son to be with us. 


God with us.

He is still here.  Dwelling in us.  In lives all around you. 

May your weary soul rejoice knowing that God is with us.  Then.  Now.  Forever.  May you know a new and glorious morning is on the horizon.  One in which there will be no more pain and suffering.  One in which there will be no darkness.  May your soul feel its worth this Christmas.  A soul that is intended to inherit eternity.  May you unwrap Jesus this year and hold Him close every day, trusting that He knows our needs and our weaknesses.  May we love one another, lifting up our voices in joyful song as we praise His most Holy name. 

Be near me, Lord Jesus, I ask Thee to stay
Close by me forever, and love me, I pray.
Bless all the dear children in thy tender care,
And fit us for heaven, to live with Thee there.

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