
Saturday, June 16, 2012

reflections of fatherly love

Meet my Diddy. 

James Calhoun Griggs, Jr. by birth.  Jimmy to everyone else. But Papa to his most prized possessions.

He is the man who hung the moon when I was little.  And still does, if you ask me.  He guided with a firm, but gentle hand.  He loved with a heart a gold. Though physically weak, he was and still is spiritually strong. 

It wasn't until I was well into my adult years, that I realized the example he had set for me.  He had lived the example of Fatherly love.  Truly lived it.  It has been through my Diddy's actions and his love for me that I began to realize the love my Heavenly Father has for me.  Despite my mistakes and imperfections, my Diddy thinks that I am wonderful.  He rejoices in my accomplishments.  Encourages me through my trials.  Cheers me on through my perservance.  And prays for me through my life. 

Diddy invested time and love into my sister and me.  He made memories.  Memories that I will cherish as long as I walk this earth.  He sowed into me the importance of faith, family and friendship.  And I have watched him live out his faith. 

My life has been blessed by a man I call Diddy.  And there will never be enough words to express how much I adore him.

Happy Father's Day, Diddy!

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