
Friday, October 14, 2011

a moment of truth...

Can you name that slogan?

Maybe she's born with it. Maybe it's ???????.
Easy Breezy Beautiful ??????.
??????, Because I'm worth it.
?????? Bringing the best to everyone we touch.

Do you catch the drift of these slogans?  Beauty is something to be obtained through cosmetic products.  And I have believed this lie, more than ever this week.

Allow me to give you the prologue to this story...

For the past couple of weeks, I have been struggling with self-worth, both puffed up and completely deflated.  I asked the Holy Spirit to reveal to me areas in my life where I needed to be humbled.  Well, that prayer was answered, but not in a fashion that I would have liked. 

Through bouts of miscommunication, I have been struggling with worthiness in the eyes of those that I love the most.  I wore this around like a winter coat...a coat that I could not shed.  I kept hearing in my soul, "You're not good enough.  Nothing you say or do will ever be pleasing to those around you.  All you ever do is hurt people's feelings.  They can't stand to be around you."  In simple terms, I have allowed the lies of the Enemy to speak louder to my heart than the whispers of Truth.

Then, the icing on the cake this week, I had an allergic reaction to my cosmetic products.  Products I have been using for years.  My eyes were all but swollen shut.  On Wednesday, my doctor, ordered me to a heavy dose of steroids and no make-up for 12 days.  Talk about a blow to the chin.  I allowed my vanity to get the best of me and jokingly asked the doctor to give me a work excuse.  Of course, I would never dream of missing work for 12 days because of no make-up, but the thought was appealing.  Don't get me wrong...I scoot around town on a Saturday sans make-up with no problem...but I also am wearing a ball cap and tennis shoes.  Dress pants and dress shoes with no make-up is really a fashion faux pas.  Or is it? 

As I was getting Sweet Petite dressed for school yesterday, I reflected on the scripture that is painted and hung above her changing table. 

"I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made;
   your works are wonderful,
   I know that full well."
Psalm 139:14

We chose that verse because we want her to claim that as Truth in her life.  We want her to know that God made her just the way she is and that is wonderful. 

So, why have I been struggling with that truth in my life?  Why have I doubted my self-worth in the eyes of my Creator?  Why have I struggled with my beauty or lack thereof? 

I wasn't able to make sense of my emotions until the Holy Spirit led me to this blog yesterday morning.  He knew what I needed to hear to heal my hurt.  He knew what I needed to hear to calm my fears and squash my insecurities.  He knew what I needed...because He knows.  He knows.

My mama has always told me that pretty is as pretty does.  My sweet husband told me yesterday that beauty is in the eye of the beholder.  And my Creator told me through Psalm 45:11 that He is enthralled with my beauty.

I'm claiming this as Truth today.  I'm no longer going to allow the lies of the Enemy to scream louder than the Truth. 

Maybe she's born with it. Maybe it's Jesus.
Easy Breezy Beautiful Child of God.
Jesus, Because I'm worth it.
Jesus, Bringing the best to everyone He touches.

Now, those are some catchy slogans, don't you think?

"But let your adorning be the hidden person of the heart with the imperishable beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which in God's sight is very precious." 

 1 Peter 3:4

I am precious in His sight--with or without make-up.  And that's the Truth!


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