
Friday, June 24, 2011


After two years, my husband and I are together again in an adult Sunday School class.  Two years ago, we were both led to lead other Sunday School classes.  Tory co-led a young adult class.  And I had the extreme pleasure of teaching my precious toddlers...quick lessons with good snacks, but I enjoyed watching those adorable children grow in the fundamental truth that Jesus loves them. 

I will veer from the point of this post to share a quick lesson that I taught my toddlers.  First, let me state that these babies are between 12-24 months....they must be a steady walker in order to be in the toddler class...and truth be told, I've been known to self-promote a few fast crawlers, but that's another story for another day.  Knowing their ages, you can see that the lessons must be fast and to-the-point.  We don't have a long attention span in this class.  One Sunday our lesson was on prayer.  I brought in some old phones to illustrate the fact that prayer is simply talking to God.  We played on the phones and practiced talking to Jesus.  One conversation went like this:

Me:   "Child (I'll omit the name to protect the innocent), talk to Jesus.
Child:  "Hi Mommy."
Me:   "Yes we can talk to Mommy on the phone, too.  But talk to Jesus.  Tell Jesus Hi."
Child:  "Hi Mommy"
Me:   "Ok.  Tell Jesus Hi."
Child:  "Hi Mommy" (places phone on table and starts to put a puzzle together)

It wasn't until a few weeks later at Wednesday night activities that Child's mommy told me that Child was playing with a phone in the back seat and said "Hi Jesus."  My heart smiled.  Lesson learned. 

As a mother, I look forward to seeing those seeds planted and nourished in Harper as she grows up with our church family.

Anyway, back to our new class.  Tory and I are enjoying being among adults in Sunday School and diving into the Word together.  Last week was my first Sunday in the class and we talked about the discussion all day.  We are being led by a wonderful, intelligent, fun, Godly couple.  I have no doubt that we can learn alot from this precious couple.  It is evident that they live their lives led by the Spirit.  My desire is for others to see that I live my life led by the Spirit, too.

Psalm 37: 4 says, "Delight yourself in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart."

What is the desire of your heart?  You see, nothing dictates our lives like our desires.  What do you desire...marriage, a baby, more money, a bigger house, a nicer car, a better job, to lose weight, world peace?  Is that desire the dictator over your life?  Isn't it refreshing to know that God is not a dictator?  He does not dictate our desires...He just desires that we desire Him.

Underneath our desires is the heart of our desire.  When we don't receive the desire of our heart, something is up.  God does not say "NO" flippantly...after all, glory is at stake.  God sees the end...from the beginning.  When we begin to move our delight to center on God, our desire will shift a bit.  When our delight centers on Him, He delights.  Singing Jesus Love Me to our children...He delights.  Inviting someone to church...He delights.  Sharing His truth with others...He delights.  Praising Him for the rain...He delights.  Delight yourself in Him and He delights in you. 

All my other desires have started to fall away.  Today, my desire is to walk in God's live a life that points to Him. 

"The Lord your God is in your midst, a mighty one who will save; he will rejoice over you with gladness."  Zephaniah 3:17

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