
Saturday, April 30, 2011

I drank the Kool-Aid...

I never thought that I would be the blogging type.  But, a dear friend of mine said in Bible Study one night, "You really need to start a blog."  I completely laughed at that comment....out loud, I think.  I mean, really, who cares what I have to say about anything.  And then, when we decided to expand our family from three to four, I started a journal for our precious, not-yet-conceived baby.  I wanted our sweet baby to have something tangible to have and read one day.  As I wrote in that journal, I realized how therapeutic it has been to put my thoughts and feelings on paper.  And then the grand epiphany....we are way past the pen and paper days.  So, here we are...let's see how well I keep this up...

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